Inauguration Bleachers

From the Archive

Over 25 Cities Participating in May 23rd Day of Action

For a full listing of the over 25 cities in 5 countries participating on May 23, click hereFor a Tool Kit and Resources for planning your own May 23 event, click here.



Not Another Broken Promise! Not Another Day in Guantanamo! On May 23rd of last year, President Obama again promised to close the detention facility at Guantánamo.  His pledge came in response to the mass hunger strike by men protesting their indefinite detention and to the renewed, global condemnation of the prison.  One year later, far too little has changed: few detained men have left the prison and hunger strikes and forced feeding continue. Join us in over 25 cities across the US and around the world to urge President Obama and Congress to end indefinite detention and close the detention facility at Guantánamo. So far, demonstrations, fasts, and vigils are planned in Chicago, Raleigh, New York City, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Buffalo, and Boston. .  Please email if you are planning or hoping to plan an action in your community. The May 23rd Day of Action is being coordinated by Witness Against Torture in collaboration with Amnesty InternationalBlue Lantern Project, Center for Constitutional RightsCloseGitmo.netCode PinkLondon Guantanamo CampaignNational Religious Campaign Against Torture, Torture Abolition and Survivor Support CoalitionVeterans for PeaceWorld Can’t WaitSeptember 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows,No More Guantanamos, and others. Contact  if your organization would like to sign-on as an endorser.  Find the Facebook event listing here. Click here to read Witness Against Torture’s full Call To Action.

SAVE THE DATES – June 27-30 in Washington, DC

Join Witness Against Torture June 27-30, 2014 as we gather together in Washington, DC to commemorate Torture Awareness Month.  Our time together will include public witness with members of the Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition (TASSC), community building, and planning for future events. Email if you are interested in participating and/or helping to organize the gathering.


Please consider joining WAT’s Friday Fast for Justice.  If you join the fast, we would ask you to: ·         Fast on Friday, in any form you like; ·         Make three phone calls; (click here to see who we are currently focusing our call on) ·         Write to a prisoner at Guantánamo. (click here for instructions on how) If you are already participating in or are interested in participating in the Friday Fast for Justice,please sign up here.  You can commit to fasting on a specific Friday, on May 23rd, the Global Day of Action to Close Guantanamo and End U.S. Torture; weekly for a particular time period; until Guantánamo is closed; or whatever works for you.


Please ‘like’ us on Facebook: & Follow Us on Twitter & Instagram: – Post any pictures of your local activities to, and we will help spread the word on


Witness Against Torture is completely volunteer driven and run.  We have no paid staff, but do have expenses associated with our organizing work.  If you are able, please donate here.

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