In Focus
Take Action: Call your senators today to denounce torture

Witness Against Torture is concerned to learn that Donald Trump is already making cabinet picks who are willing to support his campaign calls for “waterboarding and much worse.” Mike Pompeo, his nominee for CIA director, is an open torture supporter, who responded to the Senate intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report by calling CIA participants in the torture program “heroes.” Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions has opposed past anti-torture legislation. National Security Advisor nominee Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn when questioned about waterboarding during the campaign answered that he believes in leaving as many options as possible “on the table right up until the last minute.”
Senator John McCain, however, spoke out against torture at a Nov. 19 conference, saying, “I don’t give a damn what the President of the United States wants to do, we will not waterboard. We will not torture. We will not torture people, and sometime I hope we can get David Petraeus up to this forum. He’s one of the great military leaders. He’ll tell you it doesn’t work. My friends, it doesn’t work. If you inflict pain on somebody long enough, they’re going to tell you whatever they think you want to hear to have it stopped.”
WAT is delivering a letter to Sen. McCain on Monday to support his stance on torture, offer WAT’s perspective on torture at Guantanamo, and ask him to continue to speak loudly in favor of a zero-tolerance stance against torture. Click here to read the letter.
WAT is VERY concerned about what the president-elect intends to do. JOIN WAT TODAY in calling and writing Senator McCain and your own senators. Demand that your senators join Sen. McCain to oppose this new administration’s stated intentions to “bring back waterboarding” and other forms of torture. Ask them to question Cabinet nominees about their views on torture and oppose nominees who support torture. Thank Senator McCain for his recent refusal to accept Trump’s plan to return to illegal treatment of U.S. captives and tell him to never back down.
US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
To support your advocacy, we offer links to the following WAT statements:
- WAT Torture Abolition and Accountability Platform, July 2016
- Six Critical Demands for Closing Guantanamo, February 2016
In this critical transition to the Trump administration, we repeat the call we made earlier this year:
We remind ourselves that Islamophobia is dangerous. It is at the foundation of Guantanamo Bay Prison’s existence and the fuel that carries the violence we see today. We continue to offer our love and support to our Muslim sisters and brothers who will be targeted by violence fostered by hate speech. The work to dismantle racism and xenophobia should be our call.
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